NPO法人Con-Tra Culture

NPO法人Con-Tra Culture




当法人では、国内地方地域および国際的に若手芸術家へ発表の場を提供するとともに、 現代音楽ならびにアートを地方都市へアウトリーチするため活動を行っております。 webマガジン事業にて若手芸術家の意見を発信するほかに、 更なるアート活動の発展を目的とし、コンサートやレクチャー、青少年育成事業を計画しております。

Con-Tra culture

It is not an overstatement to make to say that the creative field of the “arts” has established itself in rural areas of Japan, including Niigata’s ETAT (Daichi-no-Geijutsusai). However, contemporary music, which is equally contemporary of its nature, is either in Tokyo or “others”, and cannot be said that it has taken root in rural areas. The reason for this lies in the recognition of music fans who view the genre as “not understandable”, as well as the poor exposure of the genre to the public.

We are aiming to reform these perceptions, to establish new resources of culture, as well as to bring some changes in the preconceptions of lifelong learning for the residents. When many finds value in contemporary music, culture will create economic effects, and nurturing sustainability in cultural development become possible.

Another goal is to disseminate Japanese culture to the world. Through the web magazine, we are receiving contributions from young people involved in the arts and culture. Recently, Japanese culture is widely recognized overseas, but this is since it is understood in the context of the local culture. I think it lacks the perspective of how Japanese people perceive Japanese culture. Of course, when all cultures propagate, they tend to become indigenous. And it’s not that bad. However, we would like to break down the current situation where only the biased side is focused.

Another goal is to introduce Japanese culture to the world. We receive contributions from young authors in the fields of arts and culture and publish the articles through our web-based magazine. Although Japanese culture is widely recognized in the world, it is only understood in the context of the local culture, and oftentimes lacks the perspective of how Japanese people understand Japanese culture. Of course, when all cultures propagate, they are likely to become adapted to the land’s cultures and customs, which is not a negative thing. However, we aim to break down the current situation where only the stereotypical sides are focused upon.

2022年01月 Webマガジン事業の一環としてヘルムート・ラッヘンマン氏にインタビュー敢行
2022年05月 印象と協調レクチャーコンサート 公募作品新作初演(群馬県) ゲスト:山田五郎、川村恵里佳 
2023年07月 子どものためのワークショップ えをかいてうたってえんそうして(群馬県)ゲスト講師:足立智美

2023年05月 領域横断型芸術祭 fesKa vol.1(ドイツ・ベルリン)
2023年10月 sound of megizima/鬼ヶ島コンサート(香川県)
2023年11月 Ensemble InterPontocho vol.1(京都府)
2024年05月 領域横断型芸術祭 fesKa vol.2(ドイツ・ベルリン)
2024年06月 届けられなかった手紙を集めて(香川県)
2024年07月 Ensemble InterPontocho vol.2(京都府)
2024年11月 Nous nous convulsions/私たちは痙攣する
ーシュルレアリスト ゲラシム・ルカ没後30年ー(フランス・パリ)

趣旨にご賛同いただけましたら、 ぜひともあたたかいご芳志を募りたく存じます。 寄付はすべて出演者、並びに運営必要経費に充てさせていただきます。詳細は までお問い合わせください。
